Business Meeting
The Spring Meeting of the New Jersey Conservation Officer Association
will be held on Saturday, April 29, 2006, at the Central Regional
Office, Assunpink Wildlife Management Area. A light brunch (hot
dogs, soda pop, donuts and coffee) will be served between 11:00
and 12:00; our meeting will start at 12:15PM. Meetings are the
time to express your view on just about any topic. Please come
out and be heard. If you have any questions about this meeting
please don’t hesitate to contact me or another member of
the executive board.
In order to comply with article 7 of our association by-laws,
I have delivered to the secretary an extraordinary resolution,
to change article 2.2 that requires our annual meeting to be held
during the 2nd weekend of June. This one weekend mandate has proven
to be overly restrictive. We will also be taking nominations for
our June elections. All Executive Board positions are open (your
current executive board has served two terms and cannot run for
a third term). Interested candidates with leadership abilities
who desire to advance our association should consider running
for the below positions.
Executive Board Available Positions
Frank Virgilio…(Pres)
Tom O’Rourke…(VP CO)
Bill Honachefsky…(VP DCO),
Greg Szulecki…NAWEOA (North American Wildlife Enforcement
Officers Association)
Doug Ely…(Representative South)……………Rick
Chiusolo (Deputy Representative South),
Jason Snellbaker…. (Marine Representative)…Vacant
position (Deputy Representative Marine),
Vacant position (Representative North)… Rob Stubble (Deputy
Representative North),
Vacant position (Representative Central)…. Vacant position
(Deputy Representative Central)
Don Cole (Supervisor Representative) Vacant position (Retired
Representative CO),
Vacant position (Retired CO)………………Dave
Collins (Deputy Rep. Retired),
Appointed position Steve Murza (Sec),
Appointed position Ed Markowski (Tres),
Frank Virgilio